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时间:2022-09-22 02:10:42




Kendrick Perkins:I believe that Steph Curry should win Finals MVP regardless of the outcome! He has been the BEST player in the series and it’s not even close. The man is averaging 35!!!! Don’t mind me and Carry the hell on…



If Bron couldn’t get it in 2015 AINT NO WAY Steph should get FMVP if they lose.

如果勒布朗不能在 2015 年获得它(FMVP),那么如果勇士输了,斯蒂芬就不可能获得 FMVP。

Would never happen if warriors don’t win. Lebron led both teams in points assists and rebounds in 2015 with 36 13 and 9 and they still gave iggy mvp.

如果勇士不能赢得总冠军,就永远不会发生。勒布朗在 2015 年以场均接近 36 分 13 篮板和 9次助攻领先两支球队所有球员的得分篮板和助攻,MVP仍然给了伊戈达拉。


I agree. But Tatum has been pretty special too. It depends on his next couple games. But right now the favorite is curry


still 3 games possible to see what happens

还有 3 场比赛,看看会发生什么

warrior fans will disagree with KP even if he supports them lmao. too much history.



When has anyone won an MVP without their team winning the game? If that was the case Jimmy Butler is the Eastern Finals MVP because Tatum sure didn’t deserve it.

什么时候有人在没有球队赢得比赛的情况下赢得了 MVP?如果是这样的话,吉米巴特勒是东部决赛 MVP,因为塔图姆肯定不配。


Thing is it’s not a best players award. It’s a most valuable award. You can’t be the most valuable if your team didn’t win, because fundamentally your only value as a player is to contribute to the team winning.


I am the biggest Steph Curry fan there is ever since he was at Davidson but i strongly disagree. If your team doesn't win the finals, that means your effort wasn't good enough. Steph deserved to be FMVP in 2015 and 2018, giving a participation award now wouldn't make up for it



Facts but you know that’s not how this works the MVP always goes to the winning team . Except one time Jerry West won the MVP after losing in the finals .

事实并不是你说的这样运作的,MVP 总是属于获胜的球队。除了有一次杰里-韦斯特在总决赛中失利后赢得了MVP。

Yeah no. If LeBron didn’t get it in 2015, then Steph doesn’t get it either if he loses

是的,不可能。如果勒布朗在 2015 年没有拿到,那么斯蒂芬输了也不可能拿到(FMVP)


If we’re giving out Finals MVP to the losing team then Lebron should have 2-3 more Finals MVPs because he was clearly the best player in the 2015, 2017, & 2018 Finals

如果我们将总决赛 MVP 给了失利的球队,那么勒布朗应该会多 2-3 个总决赛 MVP,显然是 2015 年、2017 年和 2018 年总决赛中最好的球员

Hell no! The most deserving of getting mvp in losing effort was bron. 2 time! And he was much better in his finals losses than curry is in these finals. If bron didn’t get it, can’t give it to Steph! That ain’t right.


You need to win the finals to be MVP. We should not reward losing


We’ve seen players play better and end nip in the loosing team and don’t win the final MVP. It wasn’t a rule at the beginning of the season and that shouldn’t change now.

我们已经看到球员打得更好,在输球的球队中结束比赛,却没有赢得最终的 MVP。这不是赛季开始时的规则,现在也不应该改变。


If tatum hits a buzzer game 7 winner i think we know how much value that shot would hold. MVP in playoffs goes to the most valuable player from the winning team, ALWAYS. You aint that valuable on the losing team in comparison regardless of stats.

如果塔图姆在第 7 场比赛中投中绝杀,我想我们知道这次投篮的价值有多大。季后赛 MVP 总是授予获胜球队中最有价值的球员。相比之下,无论数据统计如何,您对失败的球队都没有那么有价值。

Finals MVP is to signify the player who is the reason that the team who won won. Not to signify the team who didn’t win was only close because of that one player.


Funny how we always talking about giving Finals MVP to a player on the team that won but we don't Talk about giving regular season MVP to a player from the team with best record...

有趣的是,我们总是谈论将总决赛 MVP 授予获胜球队中的球员,但我们不会谈论将常规赛 MVP 授予战绩最好球队中最好的球员……


Series not over yet. Still time for Jaysom Tatum and Jaylen Brown to step up. If Golden State wins the title then absolutely Steph should win the MVP.

系列赛还没完。杰森·塔图姆和杰伦·布朗还有时间站出来。如果金州勇士队赢得冠军,那么斯蒂芬绝对应该赢得 MVP。

That's ridiculous. Just how valuable are you when your team loses? It means there's something you DIDN'T do to help your team win. Points are not the only stat which reflects on your performance and the performance of your teammates. To the VICTORS, go the spoils.


If u don't win how valuable are you ?? Valuable = Winning. It goes to anyone on the winning team that's it.


Losing team should never have a player win finals mvp. Ask Jerry West what that trophy means to him today.



This is assuming he still averages 35. If he doesn’t show up and they lose the series why should he get it?



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