自你离开以后/Since you left years ago
从此就丢了温柔/I’ve lost myself I lost you
等待在这雪山路漫长/Standing on this snowy mountain high
听寒风呼啸依旧/I feel the icy wind blow
一眼望不到边/Watching the boundless lake
风似刀割我的脸/with harsh wind biting my face
等不到西海天际蔚蓝/failing to see the sunny blue sky
无缘着苍茫的高原/on the highland I set myself free
还记得你/I keep in mind
答应过我不会让我把你找不见/you have told me you would never ever leave from me
可你跟随/But with those
那南归的候鸟飞得那么远/migrant birds to the South you fly far away
爱像风筝断了线/Like the kite that goes astray
拉不住你许下的诺言/your promise now is losing its way
我在苦苦等待/I have waited long for
雪山之巅温暖的春天/the coming spring that brings me warm days
等到高原/I wait until
冰雪融化之后归来的孤雁/the snow on mountain melts down into the sea
爱再难以续情缘/Our love is to fade away
回不到我们的从前/Never will we back to the past days
一眼望不到边/Watching the boundless lake
风似刀割我的脸/with harsh wind biting my face
等不到西海天际蔚蓝/failing to see the sunny blue sky
无缘着苍茫的高原/on the highland I set myself free
还记得你/I keep in mind
答应过我不会让我把你找不见/you have told me you would never ever leave from me
可你跟随/But with those
那南归的候鸟飞得那么远/migrant birds to the South you fly far away
爱像风筝断了线/Like the kite that goes astray
拉不住你许下的诺言/your promise now is losing its way
我在苦苦等待/I have waited long for
雪山之巅温暖的春天/the coming spring that brings me warm days
等待高原/I wait until
冰雪融化之后归来的孤雁/the snow on mountain melts down into the sea
爱再难以续情缘/Our love is to fade away
回不到我们的从前/Never will we back to the past days
还记得你/I keep in mind
答应过我不会让我把你找不见/you have told me you would never ever leave from me
可你跟随/But with those
那南归的候鸟飞得那么远/migrant birds to the South you fly far away
爱像风筝断了线/Like the kite that goes astray
拉不住你许下的诺言/your promise now is losing its way
我在苦苦等待/I have waited long for
雪山之巅温暖的春天/the coming spring that brings me warm days
等待高原/I wait until
冰雪融化之后归来的孤雁/the snow on mountain melts down into the sea
爱再难以续情缘/Our love is to fade away
回不到我们的从前/Never will we back to the past days
- 1怀柔哪家装修公司好? 搬家搬家公司哪家好?
- 2哪个搬家公司好? 蚂蚁搬家公司哪个好?
- 3长治搬家公司价目表? 宁波搬家公司价目表?
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- 5长沙搬家公司? 天天搬家公司收费标准?
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- 8南山蛇口什么地方好玩?
- 9公司搬家一般送什么花?
- 10公司搬家通知海报怎么做?
- 11孝义搬家公司电话? 宁波搬家公司哪家便宜?
- 12搬家搬家公司哪家好? 北京搬家公司哪家好和便宜?
- 13顺丰搬家公司收费标准?
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- 16长沙搬家公司? 昆明搬家公司十佳排名?
- 17延吉搬家公司哪家好? 延吉搬家公司哪家优惠?
- 18全面了解金堂专业保洁服务的多样范围与优势
- 19武昌学校保洁服务费用详解:如何选择合适的清洁方案
- 20全面解析湖南绿化保洁服务的分类与选择指南
- 21天津现代保洁服务的新趋势与优势
- 22揭秘奉贤商城:高效保洁服务方案全攻略
- 23物业服务保洁工作月度总结与提升策略
- 24甘肃绿化保洁服务全解析:必备知识与注意事项
- 25河北地区道路保洁服务电话及相关信息一览
- 26全面解析株洲简约保洁服务的分类与选择指南
- 27探索衡阳特色保洁服务:让您的空间焕然一新
- 28成华区全面保洁服务介绍:您身边的清洁专家
- 29提升乘客体验的核心环节:高铁列车保洁服务全面解析
- 30闵行区常规保洁服务职责详解:维护城市美丽的重要角色