
自你离开以后/Since you left years ago
从此就丢了温柔/I’ve lost myself I lost you
等待在这雪山路漫长/Standing on this snowy mountain high
听寒风呼啸依旧/I feel the icy wind blow
一眼望不到边/Watching the boundless lake
风似刀割我的脸/with harsh wind biting my face
等不到西海天际蔚蓝/failing to see the sunny blue sky
无缘着苍茫的高原/on the highland I set myself free
还记得你/I keep in mind
答应过我不会让我把你找不见/you have told me you would never ever leave from me
可你跟随/But with those
那南归的候鸟飞得那么远/migrant birds to the South you fly far away
爱像风筝断了线/Like the kite that goes astray
拉不住你许下的诺言/your promise now is losing its way
我在苦苦等待/I have waited long for
雪山之巅温暖的春天/the coming spring that brings me warm days
等到高原/I wait until
冰雪融化之后归来的孤雁/the snow on mountain melts down into the sea
爱再难以续情缘/Our love is to fade away
回不到我们的从前/Never will we back to the past days
一眼望不到边/Watching the boundless lake
风似刀割我的脸/with harsh wind biting my face
等不到西海天际蔚蓝/failing to see the sunny blue sky
无缘着苍茫的高原/on the highland I set myself free
还记得你/I keep in mind
答应过我不会让我把你找不见/you have told me you would never ever leave from me
可你跟随/But with those
那南归的候鸟飞得那么远/migrant birds to the South you fly far away
爱像风筝断了线/Like the kite that goes astray
拉不住你许下的诺言/your promise now is losing its way
我在苦苦等待/I have waited long for
雪山之巅温暖的春天/the coming spring that brings me warm days
等待高原/I wait until
冰雪融化之后归来的孤雁/the snow on mountain melts down into the sea
爱再难以续情缘/Our love is to fade away
回不到我们的从前/Never will we back to the past days
还记得你/I keep in mind
答应过我不会让我把你找不见/you have told me you would never ever leave from me
可你跟随/But with those
那南归的候鸟飞得那么远/migrant birds to the South you fly far away
爱像风筝断了线/Like the kite that goes astray
拉不住你许下的诺言/your promise now is losing its way
我在苦苦等待/I have waited long for
雪山之巅温暖的春天/the coming spring that brings me warm days
等待高原/I wait until
冰雪融化之后归来的孤雁/the snow on mountain melts down into the sea
爱再难以续情缘/Our love is to fade away
回不到我们的从前/Never will we back to the past days
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