
1、《时光代理人》片头曲是《Dive Back In Time》。
It didnt take too long to realize
Something has changed in the back of my mind
Your eyes
There aint nowhere left to hide behind
Time no longer flew like it was
When the flash froze everything before
Without you
I dont know if I could take this road
Chase you to the end of the world
Just to say your name once more
If I had only got it right before
Every minute that I dialed back in time
Every single existence rewinds
Something secretive hidden inside
Your mind
All the heartaches and the smiles never faded
I know youll be by my side when we make it
Come back from the dive back in time
Dive dive
Dive back in time
Dive dive
Dive back in time
Dive dive
Dive back in time
Heres to all the mistakes I never made
All the twists and turns Im always late to
My fate
If it aint for your misguided taste
Id turn out so ordinary
Fabulously un-addictively bore out my own brain
Hey out of my way
Every minute that I dialed back in time
Every single existence rewinds
Something secretive hidden inside
Your mind
All the heartaches and the smiles never faded
I know youll be by my side when we make it
Come back from the dive back in time
Dive dive
Dive back in time
Dive dive
Dive back in time
Dive dive
Dive back in time
Well dont you feel sorry
Ill love where Im going now
Cuz Im about to lose my
Cuz Im about to lose my
Cuz Im about to lose my mind
Every minute that I dialed back in time
Every single existence rewinds
Something secretive hidden inside
Your mind
All the heartaches and the smiles never faded
I know youll be by my side when we make it
Come back from the dive back in time
Dive dive
Dive back in time
Dive dive
Dive back in time
Dive dive
Dive back in time
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